Announcement: Come and see how the earliest Church worships All Services

A light set on
a hill in the
South Coast

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"But as for me, I will come into your house in the multitude of your mercy; in fear of you I worship toward your holy temple."
- Psalm 5:7

About us

Welcome to St. Peter & St. Paul Church located in the South Coast of NSW, Australia! We are located in Berkeley, a suburb of Wollongong, 45 minutes south of Sydney.

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Do not become adisciple of one who praises himself, incase you learn pride instead of humility.
- St. Mark the Ascetic

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Our Pope

HH Pope Tawadros II

Pope and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark of Alexandria

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II became the 118th Pope and Patriarch of the See of St Mark on 18 November 2012. The Coptic Orthodox Church has maintained an unbroken succession of Patriarchs since its inception, with its first Patriarch being St Mark the Evangelist, who spread the Gospel in Egypt in the first century.

Our Bishop

HG Bishop Daniel

Diocese of Sydney and its Affiliated Regions

The Diocese was established on 23 June 2002 with the ordination of its first bishop, Bishop Daniel. It currently has 54 churches in New South Wales, as well as churches in Queensland, the Northern Territory, and South East Asia.

Our Priest

Fr Moses Ayad

Father Moses' philosophy has always been to create a joyful atmosphere filled with laughter. He strongly believes in the quote by St Francis of Assisi, "Preach the Gospel always, if necessary use words." Having graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at UNSW and completed his Masters in Project Management, he was chosen by the grace of God to be ordained as a priest to serve the missionary Church in Japan in 2017. Father Moses completed his Master's degree in Theology at St Cyril’s Theological College in 2023 and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Counselling. When God chose to turn the page and add another special chapter to his life, he relocated to Wollongong in 2020 to serve our beloved parish, accompanied by his wife, Jess. We are all their children.

Come and see how the Earliest Church Worships

English Liturgy Every Sunday
8:30am - 10:30am
All Services
41 Kelly St,
Berkeley NSW 2506

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